The Smart Mobility Embassy forms the international community of Connekt.

Through the Smart Mobility Embassy*, Connekt members are connected to almost the entire globe, serving as the “Gateway to the world”.

Mobility challenges continue beyond national borders. Together, we strive for affordable and safe mobility, accessible to everyone and without emissions. By working together with international parties and exchanging experiences with each other, we want to create opportunities with the Smart Mobility Embassy that did not exist yesterday.

With our international community, we can tackle every challenge from different perspectives, leading to creative approaches and solutions.

Our services include expertise and insights through webinars and matchmaking, collaborative initiatives like trade missions and study trips, and networking events.

  • Working together to reach our goals.
  • Public and private cooperation is key.
  • Mobility and transport should be safe, sustainable and social.
  • A stage to present your expertise via webinars, summits and matchmaking.
  • 1 stop shop on smart & green mobility expertise.
  • Opportunity to validate your challenge, approach and solution with international experts.
  • Trade mission
  • Study trips
  • Projects and programs
  • Dialog / co-creation sessions
  • Member meetings
  • Webinars

* Would you like to use the services of the Smart Mobility Embassy? For more information, please visit the Connekt website.