SimSmartMobility Simulationplatform

Smart mobility is the future. Ranging from smart traffic lights, and selfdriving vehicles to mobility as a service. Smart mobility offers great opportunities to make traffic safer and cleaner and to improve traffic flow. That is why the Netherlands is pioneering. We are gaining new knowledge on Smart Mobility. But what are the effects of innovative mobility solutions? What really works and why?

The SimSmartMobility platform aims to provide answers to those questions. Simulations enable us  to estimate the effects of Smart Mobility services, prior to real life testing. And that helps policy makers, executives and professionals to make informed policy choices and investment decisions.

SimSmartMobility shows the impact of smart mobility services and products on traffic flow, accessibility, safety and the environment. The platform - a kind of Simcity for Smart Mobility - builds on simulation models based on scientific research into driving and travel behavior.

Best Practices

SimSmartMobility is an initiative from  Connecting Mobility, TU Delft and TNO. TNO and TU Delft have a lot of expertise in the field of traffic flow simulation. Together with Connecting Mobility, they put their effort in  the development of SimSmartMobility that functions as an open platform. This development is gaining shape in cooperation with companies, research institutes and governments, both national and international. 25 partners from government and industry joined the development by signing a letter of intent. More parties join and contribute to the development of knowledge and insight. Simulation enables all interested parties to learn faster and more about the effects of Smart Mobility services and solutions.

SimSmartMobility allows the user to experiment with all possible forms of smart mobility. From smart traffic lights, via in-car speed advice, to selfdriving cars. The development of the simulation platform is iterative, adding more functionality each time. Ultimately, the platform provides the user with the ability to compile a smart application package and to fully and integrally calculate and present its effects.

In SimSmartMobility we show this for instance for green light optimal speed recommendation at controlled intersections, and for two different implementations of CACC on highways.














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